

Hey, I’m Maddy Osman, and am the blogger behind Chicago Cheap Ass. It’s kind of a striking name, isn’t it? You might laugh or turn up your nose, depending on how comfortable you are with profanity, and I wouldn’t blame you either way! Because at the end of the day, I named my blog to get a reaction from my audience, and potential audience. Luckily, so far most of the feedback on my blog’s name is positive. If you haven’t visited my blog before, it’s a lifestyle guide to finding the best deals and values in Chicago. So if you’re interested in attending cool events and checking out interesting restaurants at the best possible price… give my blog a read!

I’m lucky to be part of a group of amazing bloggers in Chicago known as the Windy City Bloggers Collective. These women (and a few men) create content that reaches not only Chicago, but all around the United States. I asked them to share with me their blog’s namesake stories, and the answers they gave me are worth sharing here:

Chrissy of The Hungary Buddha:

“My blog name, The Hungary Buddha Eats the World, is a play on words and a nod to my heritage and by blog’s goal: my mom is Hungarian and my dad was Indian/Burmese, and I’m always hungry as I cook my way around the world!”

Michelle of The Native Stilo:

“When coming up with my name for my blog, I wanted it to be personal. Many may not know but my blog name is half English and half Spanish. I did this because I wanted to embrace my Latina roots. Estilo is “style” in Spanish but I eliminated the “e” to combine both Native and Estilo into one as a symbol of my identity”

Dasha of Windy City Wardrobe:

“I decided to blog as a response to an overwhelming amount of inquiries about my clothes, hair and accessories as I commute around town. Windy City Wardrobe was the first thing that came to mind. I’m not a native Chicagoan but it’s so befitting because it’s the exposure to the local people, art, weather, events and architecture that inspired my current style. It’s funny how your surroundings have a profound effect on life’s big and small decisions. I feel like the person I was always meant to be and the Windy City played such a big role in helping me discover myself. I felt like naming it paid tribute to all of those that contribute to making this the city that I love and accurately describes the content.”

Sarah of Cooking Onions:

“My daughter named my blog Cooking Onions. She was 2 at the time and was constantly cooking imaginary onions in her play kitchen.”

Nikki of 30s and Chic:

“I previously published a blog with a name that didn’t make any kind of sense. “Add Bubbles to Taste,” what does it mean? I have no idea. I decided that I wanted to publish content in a different voice that was more aligned to my lifestyle now, so I chose a more descriptive (and searchable) name: 30s and Chic. I also didn’t want the name to be too personal so I would have opportunities with changing the format, building a franchise or selling the domain later on if I chose to. I had a beauty blog in college called The Glossip and actually owned the domain When I lost interest as a broke college student, I let the domain expire and it became an online beauty magazine based in the UK (now dead I think). I could have sold the .com! Lesson learned. (I also own!)”

Rebecca of Curiosity and a Carry On:

“Curiosity and a Carry On embodies my two travel rules — Always be curious about everything around you, and always (always!) limit yourself to carry on luggage.”

Daniela of The Acne Whisperer:

“I have an online skincare coaching service specializing in adult acne called Eval by Email Online Skincare Consultation. Before it was developed as a form on my website, it started out as an email I would send with questions to answer, the client would email answers with their home address, and I would send my responses by email and send a sample packet by snail mail to their home. I found I could pinpoint exactly what was going on with a person’s acne condition with photos, descriptions and a list of what they were using. A client, having gone though the process, commented to me and my assistant that I nailed it so perfectly, “I swear, you’re like the acne whisperer!” So I created a detailed form with lead page as a separate site, bought acnewhisperer as a domain name, came up with the name of the service and got Federal registration on the name, and launched the service nationwide. came out of all of that. As a result of both, my retail sales increased by 74% and now 20% are from out of state, something virtually unheard of in the salon industry. My goal is to get it up to 50%. And I’m having a blast! Thank G-d I can write!”

Maggie of Mag Mile Runner:

“My blog is about running, my name is Maggie, I live in Chicago… So a friend suggested Mag Mile Runner.”

Jessica of The Petite Diaries:

“Being a petite lady I named my blog The Petite Diaries. A little play on blogging because we share a lot to the blogging world but a diary is something secret. who doesn’t love to take a peek into someone’s diary now and again.”

Kit of The Kittchen:

“My friends named The Kittchen, which is a play on words.”

Erika of Everything Erica:

“I chose it because I wanted to share “everything” about my life. Turns out…everything about my life has to do with food.”

Susie of SuzLyfe:

“My blog name comes from graduate school, when we would make jokes about living the “SuzLyfe” late at night in architecture studio. Now, it is a look at my life and my pursuit to live beyond expectations. Some may say that it is a little juvenile, but no one should take themselves too seriously!”

Christina of Chritiques:

“My blog is mostly restaurant and food product reviews, or critiques, so I combined that with my first name to create Chritiques!”

Stephanie of The Naked Canvas:

“The idea behind my blog name “The Naked Canvas” is that we are all born into human beings with lives that are innocent and thirsty for knowledge, knowledge that makes us understand who we are. As we grow older, we begin to make decisions that make us different. These choices include the type of clothing we adorn our bodies with, the makeup we put on our faces, and the types of activities we choose to participate in. Thus our naked canvases evolve into something that becomes “ourselves.”

Kristina of Cucina Kristina:

“I am half Italian and Cucina is the Italian word for kitchen. It also happened to rhyme with my first name, Kristina.”

Lily of adoptedSTYLE:

“I named my blog “adoptedSTYLE” as a tribute to my mother. It is a play on the fact that I am adopted, my other was a fashion show stylist, I owe everything I know life and in fashion to her, and you adopt from other people to make it your own.”


So what will you name your blog? There are so many different routes to go! If you already have a blog, please share what inspired you to name it the way you did in the comments!